Multi-field clinic “DOCTOR ALEX”

Multi-field clinic “DOCTOR ALEX” has been working since 1994. It is the clinical base of Kharkiv medical academy of postgraduate education.

The clinic conducts joint research activities with KMAPE. “DOCTOR ALEX” works closely with leading medical institutions in Kharkiv and Ukraine and develops cooperation with scientists and doctors from other countries.

The clinic has a powerful diagnostic base: modern laboratory; offices ultrasound (three expert class ultrasound machine with 3D-image); X-ray room is equipped with modern x-ray machines, multislice computed tomography Aquilion 16 manufactured by Toshiba (Japan), which helps doctors to establish a diagnosis. In addition, the electrocardiogram, daily monitoring of ECG and blood pressure, rheovasography, electromyography, audiometry, fibrogastroscopy, colposcopy, hysteroscopy, spirography, cystoscopy, electroencephalography are used when examining patients.

Currently, 70 doctors represent all medical specialties and provide outpatient care, including surgery.